Uses of Interface

Uses of SipServletResponse in javax.servlet.sip

Methods in javax.servlet.sip that return SipServletResponse
 SipServletResponse SipErrorEvent.getResponse()
          Returns the response object associated with this SipErrorEvent.
 SipServletResponse SipServletRequest.createResponse(int statuscode)
          Creates a response for this request with the specifies status code.
 SipServletResponse SipServletRequest.createResponse(int statusCode, java.lang.String reasonPhrase)
          Creates a response for this request with the specifies status code and reason phrase.

Methods in javax.servlet.sip with parameters of type SipServletResponse
protected  void SipServlet.doResponse(SipServletResponse resp)
          Invoked to handle incoming responses.
protected  void SipServlet.doProvisionalResponse(SipServletResponse resp)
          Invoked by the server (via the doResponse method) to handle incoming 1xx class responses.
protected  void SipServlet.doSuccessResponse(SipServletResponse resp)
          Invoked by the server (via the doResponse method) to handle incoming 2xx class responses.
protected  void SipServlet.doRedirectResponse(SipServletResponse resp)
          Invoked by the server to notify the servlet of incoming 3xx class responses.
protected  void SipServlet.doErrorResponse(SipServletResponse resp)
          Invoked by the server (via the doResponse method) to handle incoming 4xx - 6xx class responses.

Constructors in javax.servlet.sip with parameters of type SipServletResponse
SipErrorEvent(SipServletRequest request, SipServletResponse response)
          Constructs a new SipErrorEvent.

SIP Servlet API 1.0