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From Wesip

From Wesip

What is this ?

WeSIP is a SIP and HTTP Converged Application Server built on top of OpenSER !!!

WeSIP adds a J2EE layer to OpenSER so you can benefit from the existing OpenSER modules and features, which  already implement nice functionality like registrar,nat traversal, diameter authentication or radius accounting at blazing speeds,while at the same time enjoying the ability to develop and deploy new converged SIP and HTTP applications in an J2EE environment.

WeSIP and OpenSER

With WeSIP you can use the java programming language, its huge set of available libraries, and the family of J2EE facilities, like SOAP, EJB or JDBC, to develop your SIP applications in the form of SIP Servlets. Easily integrating OpenSer with your existing information systems as well as with other communication spots in your network like media servers, content sources or even IMS entities like the HSS, WeSIP helps you to create and deliver the next generation of converged services

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WeSIP is patent pending technology